Solar power is on the rise, and its use is growing even faster in states like New Jersey and Pennsylvania than in traditional solar states like California.
Our obsession with celebrity pets dates back to Thomas Edison making cat videos, and it has turned cuddly pugs into cash machines.
Aerial firefighting is risky, expensive, and frequently misused. Is there a different way to deal with wildfire?
In parts of the UK and US, anti-immigration has reached a fever pitch. How different are the numbers of foreign-born residents in these countries from the rest of the world?
Some actors find popular success but never any love from critics. Especially, our data analysis finds, a certain sidekick of Chris Farley.
Few customers enjoy negotiating over the price of a car. Why won't this hated practice go away?
Ranking the most least diverse colleges in America according to the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index.
For centuries, judges settled cases by asking God to help honest people win duels or complete impossible tasks like touching hot metal without getting burned.
Flamingo Air has helped thousands of couples in Cincinnati, Ohio, join the mile high club. It's a hit—but not for the reason you think.
Where weed is legal, data shows that chocolates, resins and even sodas are becoming common ways to get high.
Children are our future, but it’s only recently that they’ve been valued as such.
The lack of women earning Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) degrees contributes to the wage gap. So which colleges are succeeding at graduating more women from STEM majors?
We analyzed the cities most likely to generate substantial revenues from fines. The best indicator that a government will levy excessive fines? If a large proportion of the city's citizens are Black.
What began as a marketing effort to sell more tires is now the world's most celebrated restaurant guide. It’s a bit like if the Coca-Cola Company ran the Oscars, having created the ceremony so people would go to the movies and drink more soda.