We analyze the financial net worth of young professionals by age, gender, occupation and more.
How many San Francisco startups also have offices somewhere else? 38%.
Analyzing real estate data from Houston to see if landlords increased rents after Hurricane Harvey.
Ranking which sites discount the most using coupon codes.
The places in America where you'll spend a lot of your income on rent. And places where you won't.
What's the most popular snack at offices in America? LaCroix sparkling water!
We analyze how much money people actually spend on food and whether they actually get meals, groceries, and ingredients delivered.
People are 81% more likely to fill out a form if they're on their desktop computers instead of phones.
Who smiles at work? Ranking countries, companies, and job titles by propensity to smile.
Do neighborhoods with lots of coffee shops tend to have high rent?
Data that answers the most important question for people who sell things online - what causes potential customers to open their wallets?
Which sites have the largest percentage of their visitors that are men, women, millennials, seniors, rich people, and more?
Some cities in America serve mostly tacos. Others mostly burritos. What about your city?
Analyzing the relationship between crime and rent in American cities.
We analyze the restaurant industry to see how often vendors charge different prices for the same ingredient.