The cocktail bar is increasingly ubiquitous. We examined a night's worth of data from one of San Francisco's best-known cocktail bars to understand the trend.
We analyzed every data-driven article we've ever written. It turns out there are only 7 types of Priceonomics blog posts.
Write-in votes are a unique quirk of American elections. But in some states, they represent nearly 1% of all votes for the presidency.
We analyzed the words in the company descriptions of funded startups. The results suggest social media and mobile apps are on their way out, while healthcare and artificial intelligence are gaining momentum.
In America, pet health insurance is infinitely simpler and easy-to-use than our human health care system.
Video's only obstacle to dominating the Internet is the dreaded buffer.
What do Alexander Hamilton, Harry Potter, and Bayesian Statistics Have in Common?
Analyzing data on who in America is getting defrauded and who is committing fraud.
The history of the Witness Protection Program is full of Hollywood-worthy intrigue. It also challenges our assumptions about crime and identity.
Pop quiz: Where are more refugees resettled in the United States? New York City? Or Omaha, Nebraska?
At the Priceonomics Conference, we're bringing together an epic panel of NextDraft, REDEF, and Digg to answer the question: what is interesting?
Though most Americans choose to get married on a Saturday in the warmer months, the popularity of wedding dates are scattered throughout the year and depend on where you live.
How insurance companies can reform American policing.
What are the best cities for dining out if you don't eat meat?
The American prison population has declined slightly since 2009 leading some to believe that the era of mass incarceration is ending. A deeper look at the data reveals a different story.