Eight-year-olds Sally Hershfield are Felicia Alvarez are not your average second-graders. They are the billionaire co-founders of the latest “unicorn” startup, TreefortBnB. This is a puzzle about their data.
Have a knack for working with data and turning it into awesome stories? Come work with Priceonomics.
Inmates on death row are convicted of atrocious, callous crimes — murders, rapes, killing sprees. Yet, the most commonly-used word in their final statements is "love."
Whole Foods, undoubtedly, is expensive. Some even call it "Whole Paycheck." But is it really where Americans spend the most on an average shopping trip?
The prototypical smartphone-addict isn't a teenager on Snapchat. It's a middle-aged worker who can't stop checking work email.
Do common stereotypes likes the Prius driving Democrat and truck driving Republican stand up to analysis?
Commuting is misery. We analyzed the jobs that lead to the most excruciatingly long commutes.
100 years after its opening, the world's largest construction project is fighting to remain relevant.
The shopping cart was one of the greatest developments in the history of merchandising — and the story of its invention is almost as good.
Being 'Type A' does not mean what you think it means, and the reason you know the term is because the tobacco industry wanted you to.
Segment, a leading analytics company, uses Priceonomics Content Tracker for content analytics. Here's why.
How "♥" became the over-simplified representation of the human heart, and the enduring symbol of our love.
We analyzed old food menus and found that turtle, frizzled beef and shredded wheat were once common to American restaurants. Will french fries one day seem just as out-of-date?
If we follow the lessons of an unusually successful, World War II nutrition program, a healthier American diet may focus less on kale salads and more on making health food look and taste passably like junk food.
Boom! Zapier became a customer of our content software. Let's find out why.
At what age do American men and women get engaged? It depends on where they live.
Picking the “low-hanging fruit” is a staple in business lexicon — but as fruit growers, pickers, and geneticists tell us, the idiom is completely and utterly idiotic.
The modern travel guidebook emerged in the 19th Century as tourism became more accesible to the masses. Has the Internet made the guidebook obsolete?
The legal marijuana market is growing rapidly. We explore the cities and states where the black market is hardest to resist.
Pawn shops are America's lenders of last resort. But even for the same item, the amount pawn shops will loan you can vary more than 1,000%.
Since 2014, at least 49 deaths have been precipitated by taking a selfie. Breaking down the data behind them yields an interesting story.
Millions of African Americans left the South from 1910 to 1970. Known as the Great Migration, this movement had a profound impact on the contemporary United States.
The price for a cremation varies hugely depending on the location. Are funeral homes price-gouging?
Think female rulers are inherently more pacifist? Think again.
Priceonomics Content Tracker is the #5 marketing app in the Slack App store! Here's our experience so far.